Mehr Opfer im Konkurrenzkampf der Bildagenturen

Erst vor knapp zwei Wochen hat­te ich über die Schließung der Microstock-​Agentur LuckyOliver berich­tet, wie vie­le ande­re auch. Weit weni­ger Beachtung fan­den aber zwei wei­te­re Agenturen, die zum 1.3.2008 bzw. 1.4.2008 ihre Pforten haben schlie­ßen müs­sen: und NaturalLifeStock.

Da letz­te­re Seite schon nicht mehr erreich­bar ist, hier ein Auszug des Abschiedsbriefs:

We are sor­ry to report that NaturalLifeStock is clo­sing its doors today. April 1, 2008 was our one-​year anni­ver­sa­ry, and at the end of this peri­od we have sim­ply not had the returns we expec­ted. The mar­ket is satu­ra­ted with lar­ge and small stock agen­ci­es, and the com­pe­ti­ti­on is overwhelming.

We have found that image buy­ers are delu­ged with requests to „come see my stock site“ and have litt­le inte­rest in start­up stock com­pa­nies. If we had mil­li­ons to spend for mar­ke­ting we might be able to make a dent, but as a Mom & Pop stock site our chan­ces for suc­cess are very slim. Even the big guys, like Getty Images®, are having a rough time in this economy.“